
A. T. Orchard Photo, Blenheim from the air, a photograph showing the Soldiers' Memorial Gardens in the foreground. The new Civic Centre is on the left, separated from the memorial by Seymour Street. High Street, one of the > principal thoroughfares in the town, runs across the picture at the back of the memorial and the Civic Centre. One-man home-made submarine in which Barney Connett has been experimenting recently in America. He has made several successful trips in his queer fish-shaped submarine, believed to be the world's smallest. It is only lift long, 23in wide amidships, and 37in high. He has made a great number of dives in it, has gone down to a depth of 31ft, and has travelled as much as fourteenmiles under water, navigating with a 4ft periscope* The submarine is powered by two sets of batteries, and its equipment includes an oxygen supply and air pumps. . (Evening Post, 27 January 1939)

A. T. Orchard Photo, Blenheim from the air, a photograph showing the Soldiers' Memorial Gardens in the foreground. The new Civic Centre is on the left, separated from the memorial by Seymour Street. High Street, one of the > principal thoroughfares in the town, runs across the picture at the back of the memorial and the Civic Centre. One-man home-made submarine in which Barney Connett has been experimenting recently in America. He has made several successful trips in his queer fish-shaped submarine, believed to be the world's smallest. It is only lift long, 23in wide amidships, and 37in high. He has made a great number of dives in it, has gone down to a depth of 31ft, and has travelled as much as fourteenmiles under water, navigating with a 4ft periscope* The submarine is powered by two sets of batteries, and its equipment includes an oxygen supply and air pumps. . (Evening Post, 27 January 1939)
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A. T. Orchard Photo, Blenheim from the air, a photograph showing the Soldiers' Memorial Gardens in the foreground. The new Civic Centre is on the left, separated from the memorial by Seymour Street. High Street, one of the > principal thoroughfares in the town, runs across the picture at the back of the memorial and the Civic Centre. One-man home-made submarine in which Barney Connett has been experimenting recently in America. He has made several successful trips in his queer fish-shaped submarine, believed to be the world's smallest. It is only lift long, 23in wide amidships, and 37in high. He has made a great number of dives in it, has gone down to a depth of 31ft, and has travelled as much as fourteenmiles under water, navigating with a 4ft periscope* The submarine is powered by two sets of batteries, and its equipment includes an oxygen supply and air pumps. . (Evening Post, 27 January 1939)
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